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Pros and Cons of Hydroponics


  • As hydroponics utilizes vertical space, unlike traditional agriculture, the spatial efficiency is significantly higher and therefore has a significantly reduced footprint.
  • Despite seeming to use more water, hydroponics is actually more water efficient, as all of the water within the system stays in the system and is recycled.
  • This brings us to another point, there is no runoff. As all the water remains within the closed system, nutrient solutions are not polluting nearby groundwater streams.
  • As many hydroponic systems are indoors, climate control is significantly easier, and therefore will allow for a region with low vegetation to grow much more.
  • The direct control over pH, and nutrient solutions to a higher degree than in traditional fields, this leads to optimal, higher, crop yields.
  • No soil is needed, this reduces the farms impact on soil erosion and the ongoing rapid loss of usable soil for farming.


  • Despite these great benefits, it is a little expensive to initially set up, however, the maintenance cost is much less as resource usage is more efficient(water and fertilizer).
  • All variables of the setup need to be monitored and maintained, however, this can be made easier through methods such as automation.
  • Energy usage has the potential to be higher, but with its stationary system, having solar panels on the roof/outside of the building is definitely a viable solution for a sustainable energy source.